Health Articles

Self Love part 2

Self-love is the most significant factor in your life that determines your happiness and sense of fulfillment. Yet, we must be taught how to achieve this deeply needed relationship with self in this culture. Other cultures in other times have focused heavily on this inner relationship. However, American culture has been focused on outer accomplishment […]

Health Articles


Several times lately the resolution to a particular stress pattern within myself, and various others, has been to relax into a state of trust and belief that there is a larger plan at work. These stresses like to come up when we are confronted with things that are simply out of our control. That might […]

Health Articles


  Without a doubt the single biggest source of ill health is stress. There are tons of techniques out there for combating stress such as meditation, exercise, special breathing methods, biofeedback, EMDR, drugs, and so on. But very little is actually said about how to not get stressed in the first place. The prevailing assumption […]

Health Articles


  Independence, freedom, liberty — these are the battle cries that founded this country two and a half centuries ago.  Such words stir the passions and fill the imagination with images of a perfect world in which we are able to be whatever we wish to be.  These words generate idealism to the point that […]

Health Articles


  Last week I promised to reveal to you the single biggest thinking/feeling mistake that is responsible for most of the suffering in our lives.  The last six newsletters have been about nutritional and physical causes behind mental health issues like depression and anxiety.  The big message I wanted to get across is that very […]

Health Articles

What kills us

I was cruising the internet the other day (not a novel experience) when I came across what appeared to be an alarming announcement.  The statement was that it is expected that by the time this covid 19 has run its​​​​​​​ course, some 9 million people will have died from this bug worldwide.  This sounds like […]

Health Articles

Take Control of Your Universe

Does your life feel the way you want it to feel?  Are you fulfilled and happy?  Does your life feel meaningful to you?  These kinds of questions address the underlying feelings that run our lives. Most of us identify with our ego mind.  We think our thoughts define us and our lives are run by the […]

Health Articles

The First Step

 Is it spring yet?  My daffodils think it is spring.  They started blooming in the middle of the month.  I guess it is as hard for them to know when to move into action as it is for us.  They demonstrate trust and exuberance for life.  This doesn’t always work out, but more often then […]