Health Articles

Diabetes Defense

Today’s article is to round out our discussion of blood sugar issues in our efforts to prevent Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes. To this point I have focused mainly on the obvious – sugar. Have you been reading labels? Amazed at how much sugar there is in products? Wonder why they use so many different kinds of […]

Health Articles

The First Step

 Is it spring yet?  My daffodils think it is spring.  They started blooming in the middle of the month.  I guess it is as hard for them to know when to move into action as it is for us.  They demonstrate trust and exuberance for life.  This doesn’t always work out, but more often then […]

Health Articles

Heart Surgeon Apologizes

 How is your first Health Challenge going – eliminating seed oils from your diet ?  Challenge Number 1 is pretty easy for the bottles of oil you have at home, you just toss them out.  It is a little tougher to replace the products that are full of these oils like mayonnaise, dressings, bakery products, margarine, chips, […]

Health Articles

Alzheimer’s – What Can Be Done?

 Do you have a loved one with Alzheimer’s or senile dementia?  Are you concerned for yourself?  Loss of your ability to think or remember is devastating.  “You” literally cease to exist bit by bit, but your body keeps going on.  Life as you knew it slips away because everything “you knew” is slipping away.  Everything you […]

Health Articles

Health Priorities part 3

 This is the third in our series on health priorities.  Before we get started I want to talk a little about change.  All of us have survived to this point by developing the various skills we have today.  We have practiced them thousands of times.  These skills include our eating and food selection skills.  These […]

Health Articles

Thyroid Health

A couple weeks before Christmas I spent 3 days in a conference room in the San Francisco Airport Hyatt learning about the latest information on diagnosing and treating thyroid conditions.  We are talking about stuff that is 10 to 20 years ahead of the curve for conventional medicine.  This was fascinating stuff (if you are […]

Health Articles

Health Priorities part 2

 Thanks everyone for all the positive feedback you have been giving me at the office…and as many of you have asked, yes, please feel free to forward this email to anyone you feel might be interested.        In this newsletter we are going to discuss the vital process of eating right.  This is a huge subject […]

Health Articles

Healing – where to start?

 The new year is upon us and with it is the desire to get the year started off on the right foot.  For a couple weeks now patients have been asking me “should I do a colon cleanse?”, “how can I detox my body?”, “what is the best diet for losing weight for the new […]

Health Articles

You Are Perfect

You Are Perfect. One of my patients asked for an upbeat article for Christmas.  I figured what could be more upbeat than to communicate just how perfect each and every one of you are.  Many of you have heard me say this in the past, but rarely do I have the chance to explain how […]

Health Articles

What is Stress?

 Well the holidays are upon us.  I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  I have heard from a few of you that you were actually out there at 4 in the morning for the Black Friday sales.  Some good bargains were to be found, but 4am is waaaaaay to early for me.  For […]