Health Articles


  Red itchy eyes, runny nose, sneezing, all the joys of seasonal allergies.  We get a lot of that here in the valley.  We can run to the store to get pills and drops and sprays to combat these symptoms, most of which work by counteracting histamines, thus the name anti-histamines.  But is there more […]

Health Articles

Strength, Flexibility & Balance

As gyms and classes start opening up again after being closed down for almost a year, I am getting more questions about what exercises folks should do to recover from a year of not exercising.  I am getting more people coming in with minor injuries from getting more physically active since the last couple of […]

Health Articles

Jicup & Mother’s Milk

Over the last several years I have been focusing on the damaging effects of food toxins and sensitivities on our bodies.  I have been testing and adjusting the body for food sensitivities since 1980, but recently I have attended to a huge arena of other negative food reactions that don’t register as either food sensitivities […]

Health Articles

Ileocecal Valve

  How many times each day do I work on someone’s low back problem?  This is the most common reason folks come into my office for care.  The thing is, often times the real problem is not the low back at all.  The pain is in the low back, but the cause may be further […]

Health Articles

Most important exercise for seniors

If you spend any time on YouTube, Facebook, Google, or any other digital media where they track your searches, and you are at all health-minded, then you will probably have been inundated with ads for one exercise program or another.  At least I get them all the time.  There are literally hundreds of exercises you […]

Health Articles

Gua sha

  Many years ago a friend and fellow Chiropractor, Dr. Fisher, showed me a new healing technique he had learned called Gau sha.  He had been using it on several of his difficult patients and was getting excellent results.  The technique seemed very simple and I wondered if maybe I was missing something.  How could […]

Health Articles

Salmon Jerky

I am not typically a big fish eater.  I suppose I would learn to love it if I were to live in a country where fish is the main protein-food available.  My son Mason did this while he lived in Japan going to college.  He would tell me about things like a small electric appliance […]

Health Articles

Ice Cream

Ahh, the delights of Ice Cream!  Truly it is a most delicious treat.  How many family memories include a dessert of a bowl of ice cream, perhaps with a side of cookies?  How many children first learn the value of money when the ice cream man rolls through your neighborhood playing his merry tune?  You […]

Health Articles

Osteoporosis Bounce

This is the third article on osteoporosis I am writing because some new information about osteoporosis has been revealed in the last couple of years.  I know most of you think about osteoporosis as an old person’s disease since that is when you typically experience the broken hips and collapsed vertebra that this disease is […]

Health Articles

What kills us

I was cruising the internet the other day (not a novel experience) when I came across what appeared to be an alarming announcement.  The statement was that it is expected that by the time this covid 19 has run its​​​​​​​ course, some 9 million people will have died from this bug worldwide.  This sounds like […]