Health Articles

Enlarged Prostate

I am sneaking up on my 66th birthday, and like many men my age I am dealing with an enlarged prostate.  By age 85 almost 90% of men will have this issue.  Depending upon just how large it gets, it can produce symptoms that vary from annoying to life threatening.  What kind of symptoms are we […]

Health Articles


Discs, everybody has lots of them, but sometimes we wish we didn’t.  Discs are an amazing adaptation that enables us to be mobile in so many ways that creatures, like insects, just can’t compete.  If you don’t try to oppose gravity, discs simply act as lubrication between the vertebra allowing you to move in many […]

Health Articles recipes


One of the challenges of living a Keto–Paleo lifestyle is finding anything resembling familiar foods.  It would be ideal when engaging a major shift like this to be able to wipe your memory of all your past experiences in the area of change so you could start fresh.  But that is not available to us […]

Health Articles

Healthy Diet Avoids

It has been several years now since I wrote about the basic things to avoid to support a healthy diet.  This is not the obvious list of poisonous chemicals that should also be avoided.  For those, if you can’t pronounce it or find it growing in somebody’s garden, then don’t put it in your mouth. […]

Health Articles

Human Growth Hormone

The gray hair in my beard suggests to me that I might be getting older.  This is important to me because aging means my levels of growth hormone are decreasing.  Growth hormone is vital for cellular regeneration, growth, and healthy tissue repair and maintenance.  Said simply, my ability to heal my body is being lost. […]

Health Articles


There was an old story I read once that went like this:  An old farmer was talking to his neighbor about how his son was on the roof a couple days ago repairing holes when he slipped and fell off the roof and broke his leg.  The neighbor was very concerned for his friend.  He […]

Health Articles

Air Pollution

California has a problem – air pollution.  Now for the bad news. Sacramento, Los Angeles, and three other central valley cities hold the top spots for the worst ozone pollution in the country.  And don’t think that you are better off up in the foothills.  Placer, El Dorado, and Sutter counties are all just as […]

Health Articles


Most people struggle with depression and anxiety at times. On the surface this appears to be a simple consequence of our high stress lifestyles in this day and age. Life is happening faster and faster. We process progressively more information every year. We are literally bombarded with a huge diversity of data through our phones, […]

Health Articles


Our skin is the largest organ in our body. We don’t tend to think of it as an organ, but it is. Its number one function is protection. Our skin keeps outside stuff out and inside stuff in. It functions not only as a physical barrier, but it hosts a huge array of healthy microbes […]

Health Articles

The Coke Can

I know this title sounds like this is a newsletter about the dangers of drinking sugar filled beverages, but it is not.  The Coke can is a demonstration of the importance of core strength in our body.  Picture a can of Coke that you have just finished.  Set the can on the ground and step on it. […]