Toxic Stressors

Few topics are as near and dear to everyone’s heart as how to lose weight. More magazine covers are spent on this topic in the checkout line at your local grocery store than any other subject. The amazing thing is how many weight loss diets there are out there. How can there possibly be so […]
Cholesterol is one of the bogymen of the modern medical delivery system. Be careful or the cholesterol bogyman will get you has been the favorite chant for the last 50 years. Interestingly, as the hard science is busy proving that eating cholesterol has nothing to do with plaque formations in your arteries, the American Heart Association […]
Last week I was writing about how intimately our health is tied to the bacteria that live in our gut. I drew the picture that what we ate determined whether we had “good guy” bacteria supporting our health growing inside us or “bad guy” bacteria tearing down our health. The “good guys” like to eat soluble fibers […]
The more I research leaky gut and the development of degenerative disease conditions, the more I run into our gut microbiome as the key player in this whole problem. The pathways from things like Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, cancer, arthritis, autoimmune disease, and so on keep tracing back to the gut as the starting place for these […]