Health Articles

Freedom revisited

  It has been seven years since I wrote about the subject of freedom. The last time was July 3rd, 2016. A lot has happened since July of 2016, so I thought I would see if my perceptions have changed since way back then. Back then Obama was still president and we were in the throws […]

Health Articles


  Today’s article is a philosophical piece, so it will contain a lot of individual perspectives based on personal experience and conjecture.  My life is dominantly that of a philosopher, always curious and always contemplating what if.  Why am I that way?  It is because I love wisdom.  Philo means loving and sophia means wisdom.  I […]

Health Articles


Meditation is a powerful technique that we can use to benefit our health.  However, there is a lot of well-meaning but misguided fluff attached to the whole subject.  I thought it would be useful to separate the fluff from the substance with this subject to help you decide whether meditation is right or useful to […]

Health Articles


Have you ever stopped to consider diamonds?  They take the light from any direction and turn it into the most beautiful sparkle of a rainbow of colors.  From every angle of view, they present a myriad of shiny faces.  Yet in spite of being so beautiful, they are the hardest substance on Earth.  Their internal […]


Self Love 2

Self-love is one of the most profound gifts of spiritual growth.  It is also one of the most difficult challenges we face in our life journey.  Self-love is generated through the integration of many other spiritual challenges.  But why would we want to achieve something so difficult?  It sounds good, but what does it really […]

Health Articles


As we prepare to celebrate the birth of a noble vision for a country of free men, I pause to consider just what free means.  At the time of the birth of our country, the driving need was for freedom from the tyranny of the overbearing English troops stationed in America.  The deep needs of […]

Health Articles

Saying Yes

  Do you say yes to life, or is your life one of limitations, inhibitions, and restrictions?  This is not the simple question it appears to be.  It is a question about the functional neurology between your ears. These last couple months have been a personal education in neurology for me as I work with […]

Health Articles

Learning to fly

When we stand on the edge of the now moment and look into the unknown, our heart may find itself feeling uneasy.  I liken this uneasy feeling to the quivering of muscles just before they burst into action.  In this case the heart area is where our “wing” muscles attach.  While this is a metaphor, […]

Health Articles

Learning to Fly

When we stand on the edge of the now moment and look into the unknown, our heart may find itself feeling uneasy.  I liken this uneasy feeling to the quivering of muscles just before they burst into action.  In this case the heart area is where our “wing” muscles attach.  While this is a metaphor, […]

Health Articles


The illusion of our life is so fragile.  Life itself is tough and durable, but our picture of what our life is all about is all smoke and mirrors.  As each day goes by we get so wrapped up in the minutia of daily living that we actually believe that what we are having for […]