Health Articles


  Did you know that gallbladder removal surgery is one of the most common surgeries performed in the United States?  Every year hundreds of thousands of patients have their gallbladders removed.  What’s up with that?  Clearly, gallbladders are not designed to suddenly crap out and go bad, and yet our doctors believe this is happening.  […]

Health Articles

B Vitamins

  This story begins back in the 17th and 18th centuries in Europe.  A wonderful new food from the Americas, corn, was brought back to Europe and widely cultivated.  It seemed like an excellent food source as it yielded much larger crops per acre than wheat or barley.  The problem was that after a while people started […]

Health Articles

Proactive Steps

It appears this Covid 19 virus is not going away anytime soon.  Current mitigation procedures are slowing things down, but there is no mention of being able to stop the virus outright.  The big hope on the horizon is for an immunization to be developed according to the government types, but that is about a […]

Health Articles


Do we need supplements?  Can’t we get all the nutrition we need from our food?  Why should we take a bunch of pills every day? These are actually very good questions that deserve some very good answers.  Let’s start with the question of getting all we need from our food.  The simple answer is yes; […]