Health Articles

Vegetarian vs Carnivore

The recent malnutrition death of Vegan Tik Tok and Instagram influencer Zahanna Samsonova was a shock to her millions of devoted followers. She was preaching the power and joys of eating a raw food vegan diet. Convinced that this was the healthiest and most natural way to eat, she was sure that it would make […]

Health Articles

Fat or Sugar?

  For a couple of months now I have been researching the inflammatory properties of the fats we consume. I thought I had a pretty good handle on the subject before I started my research this time due to a dive into the subject I made about 20 years ago. Back then the exciting knowledge […]

Health Articles

Plant Based Diet?

What to eat is a hot topic.  Like religion and politics, diet stirs strong reactions from people.  Just like religion and politics, the strong reactions have little or nothing to do with reality and everything to do with attached feelings and agendas.  To me, this is fine.  Feelings and agendas are the reason for why […]

Health Articles


So the new year is still fresh and you still plan to live 2019 as healthy as possible.  Right off the bat you have chosen a serious challenge.  The single biggest thing that impacts your health is what you put into your mouth and allow into your lungs.  It seems super obvious that the first step […]

Health Articles

The Vegetable Cure

Years ago one of my patients, Penelope, embarked on a healing journey for her chronic back issues and other bodily maladies.  She received some simple but powerful advice.  She was told to simply eat only vegetables for six months with the addition of a few ounces of fish a couple times a week. That’s it! […]

Health Articles

High Fat Diet

I came across an interesting bit of information the other day about gorillas.  Sixty to seventy per cent of their diet is leaves they can’t digest themselves.  They depend on the actions of healthy gut bacteria, and because of this they live on a high fat diet.  Initially this sounds like nonsense – where did the […]