Health Articles

Osteoarthritis Action Plan

A couple years ago I wrote a lengthy article on the causes of osteoarthritis. Check it out here. I wish to revisit this subject because, although the article was informative, it was shy on directions as to what to do specifically. Disease conditions are complex with many different factors that come into play in creating disease. I […]

Health Articles


  What more appropriate day for an article on creation than Mother’s Day? After all, it is a mother’s act of creating new little humans that has given us the human race. And in that act of creation is born the other half of our most fundamental reason for existence: connection. These two pieces are […]

Health Articles


  What is wisdom?  When I look it up in the dictionary I get a woefully inadequate definition:  Having the quality of being wise.  Now that is completely useless!  Let’s try the next line:  Knowledge of what is true and right coupled with just judgment as to action.  Again useless as truth, righteousness, and justice are entirely culturally […]

Health Articles

Food Triggers

A couple of weeks ago I encountered a patient that had a very unusual condition, an allergy to red meat – any type of red meat.  Even more interesting was that he told me that this allergy came from a tick bite.  I had never heard of this before.  I went home and checked it […]

Health Articles

The Perfect Diet part 2

Last time I talked about discriminating between what is actually known about nutrition and what is simply believed.  Understandably, different beliefs will come about because people will have different personal experiences with food because of their unique genetic and metabolic makeup.  If one person knows from repeated experience that eating a carb-rich meal makes their […]