Health Articles

Fat Burning

Few topics are as near and dear to everyone’s heart as how to lose weight.  More magazine covers are spent on this topic in the checkout line at your local grocery store than any other subject.  The amazing thing is how many weight loss diets there are out there.  How can there possibly be so […]

Health Articles

Brain Trauma

I just spent the last Saturday and Sunday at a seminar on Brain Trauma.  Although the focus was on such things as concussion, whiplash, and stroke, they also spent a lot of time looking at Alzheimer’s and other brain degeneration problems.  This was because the basic biology for all of these issues is the same.  […]

Health Articles

Intermittent Fasting

Last week a patient asked me why I hadn’t written an article on intermittent fasting.  I was amazed, because it has been a mainstay of my lifestyle for years now.  I feel like I have written about it many times, but maybe I have never actually come out and named it by name.  Possibly this is because I […]

Health Articles

Ghetto Gut

I like my neighborhood.  It is very quiet and everyone watches out for each other.  We get together in the little court on the 4th of July for a big barbecue and snow cones.  It is all very cozy and safe feeling. But what would happen if a crack dealer moved into the neighborhood?  Strangers […]

Health Articles


Since 1980 the childhood obesity rates for children between the ages of two to nineteen have tripled. For middle-aged-kids, ages six to eleven, this rate has doubled and the teen obesity rate has quadrupled.  We have an obesity epidemic in this country.  This has nothing to do with genetics; the American populace has the same […]

Health Articles

What Does a Good Diet Look Like?

I have written loads of articles on special needs and diets that address those needs like gluten sensitivity, Small Intestinal Bacterial Overload, low glycemic diets, fasting and intermittent fasting, and so on.  But what about the average person that simply needs a healthy diet and does not have any special needs?  What kind of diet […]

Health Articles


Do we need supplements?  Can’t we get all the nutrition we need from our food?  Why should we take a bunch of pills every day? These are actually very good questions that deserve some very good answers.  Let’s start with the question of getting all we need from our food.  The simple answer is yes; […]

Health Articles

Vegetable Stew

Last newsletter I wrote about taking out the trash.  The trash I was talking about was the metabolic toxic waste our body is constantly producing just by being alive.  Some of these wastes are so toxic that if our release of them is delayed even a few minutes, we will die.  In this case I […]

Health Articles

Essential Oils

Nature provides us an abundance of healing compounds in the plants that surround us on this planet.  Although plants seem very different from us, they have to deal with many of the same challenges we have and they have developed chemical ways of dealing with these challenges over the eons.  We can often use the […]

Health Articles

Hormone poisons in your bathroom

Did you know that the lining of your digestive tract and your skin are not only made of the same types of cells, but function in much the same way?  Epithelial cells (skin cells) serve to create a barrier to keep out bacteria while letting smaller chemicals into the system.  In the digestive tract the smaller […]