Health Articles

Moody Hormones

  No discussion of mental health would be complete without looking at the relationship between hormones and their impact on mood disorders.  Any woman who has had a typical American lifestyle has experienced the impact of hormones on her mood.  So most of us are aware of this hormone mood connection, but just how far down this […]

Health Articles


The terror of sun exposure is a favorite topic pushed on us by our ever concerned medical establishment.  Public health messages focus on the dangers of too much ultraviolet light radiation hitting our skin and causing genetic damage promoting skin cancers and accelerated aging of the skin.  Yet curiously when the worldwide health damage caused […]

Health Articles

Ozone Decontamination

Do you know how the earth naturally destroys pollution?  Ozone.  High-energy rays from the sun hit our upper atmosphere and are absorbed by oxygen converting regular oxygen (O2) into ozone (O3).  Ozone is a highly reactive, energized and unstable form of oxygen that reacts with pollutants in the air and breaks them down.  Since ozone is […]