Health Articles


This week I have a guest author, a long term client of Ellen’s, Yvonne Koenig. My interest was piqued when she told me that her long standing back scoliosis issue was resolving with her hypnotherapy work. That is pretty amazing, so I asked her to write an article about hypnotherapy for my newsletter audience. Here […]

Health Articles

Ease vs. Happiness

I was having a discussion with Ellen a few days ago about the experience of ease I had while visiting my brother up in Portland.  I was noting that an identifiable difference while up there compared to my normal life was the absence of demand for me to have a position or make any decisions.  I […]

Health Articles

Basic Reset

About a week ago I read a book on vagus nerve function and clinical applications. The vagus nerve has been described as the rest and digest nerve that comes out from the base of your skull and travels down to most all of your internal organs like the heart, lungs, and digestive system.  This would normally be […]

Health Articles


Sometimes life wants me to pay attention to something, so it repeats itself in different ways.  For instance last week I read an article on a breathing study done on a giraffe.  That sounds strange I know, but the idea is that no one has been able to figure out how a giraffe is able […]