Health Articles


Ellen bought an online program for helping her osteoporosis last week.  This put the whole subject of osteoporosis into my head for a bit.  Then I read an article on protein requirements for humans relative to the whole paleo movement – more fodder for my brain.  Something in that article kept rolling around in the […]

Health Articles

Leaky Gut Cure

For those following the current research, it appears that having a leaky gut wall is the starting point for most of our modern degenerative illnesses.  It has been said that auto-immune disease is the big disease of the 21st century.  Everything from heart disease to osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s to diabetes is now being recognized as […]

Health Articles

Building Stronger Bones

What does it take to build strong bones?  If you listen to the standard media they will say calcium, but there is much more to this story.  Calcium is not enough by a long shot.  Read full article here… People like simple answers.  Human nature is to either not trust or to ignore things we don’t understand.  Our […]