Health Articles

Saturated Fat 2

  Saturated fat has been a boogeyman since the late 50s, ever since Ancil Keys decided to blame heart disease and atherosclerosis on saturated fats in his famous 7 countries study. The American medical system and the FDA jumped on his hypothesis and started a massive PR campaign to get people to stop eating saturated […]

Health Articles


A subject that frequently comes up when trying to decide upon a healthy diet for preventing disease and premature aging is choosing what type of oils to include in such a diet. This is a hotly debated subject amongst researchers and food gurus alike. Mainstream doctors are typically about 20 years behind the times when […]

Health Articles

Linoleic Acid

  Linoleic acid may sound like some weird chemical you might think you have never consumed.  But the truth is the average American has 15 to 20% of the calories in their diet coming from linoleic acid.  Compare that to 150 years ago when the average consumption was 1 – 3%.  Linoleic acid is the […]

Health Articles


PUFA’s, what’s that?  It sounds like a new line of cuddly toys for preschoolers.  What if I told you that they are the number one cause of chronic disease in America today?  Now it starts to sound a little more interesting.  So what are PUFA’s?  This acronym stands for Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acids.  For practical […]