Health Articles


Last week I came across an article about the use ofcholine for the treatment of fatty liver disease.  This grabbed my attention because many years ago I had acquired fatty liver disease after flirting with fruitarianism for several months.  The primary cause of fatty liver is fructose (fruit sugar) or alcohol.  Half of regular white sugar is […]

Health Articles


What is the most commonly deficient nutrient in the American diet?  As you might guess from the title of the article, it is magnesium.  As a rule Americans get most of the vitamins and minerals they need to prevent actual deficiency diseases like scurvy or beriberi due to the enrichment of common foods like flour, […]

Health Articles


What is nicer than a really good night’s sleep?  It is so lovely to wake up all bright and ready for a new day.  And how about those wonderful dreams that you just barely remember as you are waking up and then they quickly slip away?  Yes, a good night’s sleep is truly grand.  The […]

Health Articles

Sulfur Intolerance

I have been interested in and researching metabolic detoxification pathways for about a month now.  In the pursuit of health it is becoming increasingly clear that the modern challenge to health is primarily the buildup of toxic poisons in our body.  This is pretty new for the history of human kind.  Throughout most of our history […]

Health Articles


Sometimes life wants me to pay attention to something, so it repeats itself in different ways.  For instance last week I read an article on a breathing study done on a giraffe.  That sounds strange I know, but the idea is that no one has been able to figure out how a giraffe is able […]