Health Articles

Super Jam

I really like the idea of functional foods. What do I mean by functional foods? I am referring to foods that improve the function of our bodies. Most real foods serve us by supplying energy and raw materials the body uses to repair itself. Functional foods go beyond energy and raw materials by promoting specific […]

Health Articles

Charlie Horse

Imagine you are laying there in bed all cozy and comfy and you shift your leg or foot a bit when bam, your leg or foot suddendly goes into an intense spasm. What do you do? You try moving the leg around to see if a different position will make the spasm disappear. Sometimes this works, but […]

Health Articles

Fiber or ferment?

  The big new frontier in biomedicine is the vast landscape of the microbiome. Although it only amounts to a few pounds of muck in your colon, it contains 90% of the genetic material (DNA and RNA) in your body. There are thousands of different bacteria, fungi, and viruses that live in a healthy colon. […]

Health Articles


A couple of weeks ago the trade magazine Chiropractic Economics emailed me a link to a free e-book on treating arthritis.  The book was 60 pages long and reviewed several approaches to dealing with arthritis.  Since arthritis is certainly a common concern for many patients, I thought I would cover some of the highlights from […]

Health Articles


Illnesses do not come upon us out of the blue. They are developed from small daily sins against Nature. When enough sins have accumulated, illnesses will suddenly appear.Hippocrates Our food should be our medicine and our medicine should be our food.Hippocrates All disease starts in the gut.Hippocrates Hippocrates is considered the father of medicine.  He […]