Health Articles

Carbs or Fats?

The general question of today’s newsletter is which kind of diet works better to improve health – low- carb or low-fat. In the world of dietary modification, the most common need in America today is to lose fat weight since over two-thirds of Americans are overweight. Almost half of them are outright obese, which is […]

Health Articles

Krill Oil

A number of years ago I started focusing on the imbalance of omega 6 oil (vegetable oils) to the omega 3 oils (fish oil, flax oil, and phospholipids) in our diet.  A healthy body has a fairly even mix of the two oils, and that is what exists naturally in vegetables. Unfortunately, beginning about 100 years […]

Health Articles

Most Important Supplements

I don’t know about you, but I have a boatload of supplements at my house.  They are all over the kitchen counter.  They have entire cupboards for themselves.  They have even spread into the dining room.  That of course does not count the entire bedroom that has been converted to powdered herbal extract formulations.  Obviously I […]

Health Articles

Omega 3s for Inflammation

One of the takeaways from the weekend I spent recently learning about the latest information for managing the hormone systems of the body is the importance of getting rid of the inflammation in our system.  Excess inflammation drives all sorts of disease states in the body, including imbalances in our hormone systems.   We have […]