Health Articles

Fiber part 2

Last week I was writing about how intimately our health is tied to the bacteria that live in our gut.  I drew the picture that what we ate determined whether we had “good guy” bacteria supporting our health growing inside us or “bad guy” bacteria tearing down our health.  The “good guys” like to eat soluble fibers […]

Health Articles

High Fat Diet

I came across an interesting bit of information the other day about gorillas.  Sixty to seventy per cent of their diet is leaves they can’t digest themselves.  They depend on the actions of healthy gut bacteria, and because of this they live on a high fat diet.  Initially this sounds like nonsense – where did the […]

Health Articles

What’s Eating You?

Since this article is coming out Thanksgiving weekend – a weekend commonly spent eating more than usual – a food article seemed appropriate.  But lets turn this story around.  Let’s consider what is eating us, rather than simply what we are eating. By now we have all heard about how there are ten times as […]

Health Articles

Safer Starch

Starches are problematic for the majority of people, but they are still the major food source for those same people.  This planet could not sustain its current population if we were to all turn Paleo and eat a diet based primarily on meat.  While this may be a good health choice for some people, it […]

Health Articles

Pizza Crackers

Do you like to crunch?  I know for Ellen, it isn’t a full meal unless there is something crunchy with the meal.  I am not talking about celery.  Yes, it is crunchy and crunch lovers trying to be healthy try really hard to convince themselves that celery is meeting their crunch need.  But deep down […]

Health Articles

Fasting for Health

A couple weeks ago my brother Daniel suggested I watch a Youtube video by a Dr Jason Fung, a kidney specialist from Canada.  He had been treating diabetic patients for 20 years for kidney disease caused by diabetes when it dawned on him that none of his patients ever got better.  He actually asked himself […]

Health Articles


I went to my favorite Asian market the other day because I ran out of fish sauce.  I really like fish sauce for so many different dishes.  While there I went down the mushroom isle (yes they have a whole section just for mushrooms) and decided that I really needed to try all their different […]

Health Articles


One of the kind things folks have done to support Ellen and I while we travel through the stroke-recovery-experience with Ellen is to bring food over for us.  This is a challenge at the best of times, as most folks know our diet is restricted.  Well, last week our neighbors from across the street brought […]

Health Articles

Gimme the Sugar part 1

I love sugar, but sugar does not love me.  Sweet is the first taste we experience from our mother’s milk.  We are hardwired to seek out the sweet taste.  In nature, sweet taste is almost a guarantee that the food we are about to eat is safe.  But we are not in nature anymore.  Sweet is not […]

Health Articles

Sugar Surprise!

Sugar season is rapidly descending upon us.  It begins with the first bag of Halloween candy we buy and ends with the solemn promises of turning over a new leaf New Years Day.  Some new evidence and resources may help with how we handle this years sugar rush.        For almost 30 years now […]