Health Articles

Painkillers 2

In my last newsletter, I wrote about pain for no reason. I discussed many different causes for such pain, but I did not say what to do about pain. This is not as simple an answer as most of us would like. Most people think of popping a pill when they feel pain, and there […]

Health Articles

Nation of Addicts

We are a nation of addicts.  The numbers for the socially unacceptable addictions are scary: 51.8% of people over 12 drink alcohol 23.1% (40.6% of young adults) have binge drunk in the last 30 days 24.7% of Americans use tobacco 68% of the population is overweight or obese 35% to 69% of Americans by state […]

Health Articles

Pleasure vs. Self-soothing

In the hustle and bustle of the average life things can get pretty stressful at times.  Work, traffic, the spouse and kids, the endless chores waiting to be done, it all piles up and we get stressed.  What do you do to reduce that stress?  How do you sooth the savage stress beast living in […]

Health Articles

Saying Yes

  Do you say yes to life, or is your life one of limitations, inhibitions, and restrictions?  This is not the simple question it appears to be.  It is a question about the functional neurology between your ears. These last couple months have been a personal education in neurology for me as I work with […]

Health Articles

Junk Food Love

One of the basic tenants of diagnosis in Chinese Medicine is to pay attention to any strong likes or dislikes the patient has – especially to foods.  Strong likes or dislikes are red flags highlighting imbalances within the patient.  Chinese doctors wisely understood that health is all about balance.  Any strong attachment to anything produces an imbalance within […]