Health Articles

New Purpose

Well another New Year is upon us.  2014 has ended.  It has been a long year for many people.  But now it is time to contemplate what we want to create for the New Year.  The holidays are over and the quiet reality of 2015 is just now sinking in.  Do we look forward to […]

Health Articles

Weighing in on vaccines

“One of the fatal flaws of human consciousness is the desire to believe in an authority that knows right from wrong and good from bad.” – David What do you think of vaccines?  Are they good or are they bad?  I read articles proclaiming vaccines as the great evil destroying our children’s health, and others […]

Health Articles

The Perfect Diet, Part 1

What is the perfect diet to eat for health?  People have been arguing about this one forever.  It is a subject very much like religion with all the intensity of passion and conviction of belief.  And just like religion, the stories that create the beliefs are just that, stories.  Our parents or peers or other authority […]

Health Articles

Homemade Inflammation Fighter

If you have been a regular reader of my newsletters then you are probably aware that the underlying basis of most disease and bodily misery in our lives is too much inflammation.  Inflammation is the slow fire that burns our cells and destroys our health. We have to have the ability to become inflamed in […]

Health Articles

The Perfect Diet part 2

Last time I talked about discriminating between what is actually known about nutrition and what is simply believed.  Understandably, different beliefs will come about because people will have different personal experiences with food because of their unique genetic and metabolic makeup.  If one person knows from repeated experience that eating a carb-rich meal makes their […]

Health Articles recipes

Brain Power Food

Hi , The brain is pretty important, and keeping it fed is a high priority.  As anyone who has ever experienced low blood sugar can tell you, not having the energy you need for your brain is disastrous.  It can seem like you are having a stroke.  You can lose your balance, become unfocused, your […]

Health Articles

You Create Your Universe?

 Hi ,   The following is a personal perspective… You create your universe.  This has been a popular mantra of the positive thinking crowd for the past 100+ years.  It is a central tenant of the new thought movement popular since the turn of the last century.  And like most philosophical/ spiritual systems that begin […]

Health Articles

Super Slow

Hi , One of the essentials to health that I rarely talk about is muscle strength.  I have written a lot about its first cousin – balance, but not so much about simple muscle strength.  I have even written about its other cousin – flexibility.  But we really need all three to live the life […]

Health Articles

Paleo Diet

Hi , This last weekend I read the book “The Paleo Solution” by Robb Wolf.  I have been a fan of the concepts of eating the way our ancestors did before we developed agriculture, but somehow I had never gotten around to reading this basic primer in eating the Paleo way.  I want to tell […]

Health Articles


 Hi , Over and over I hear a common complaint from patients regarding entitlement behaviors by their kids, relatives, or people in general.  Politically this is becoming a hot topic that is seriously dividing the nation as the producers and the consumers in society build increasing resentments with each other.  Historically this divide has toppled […]