Health Articles

Cold Crunch

I love chips.  I love the crunchy, salty, wonderfulness of it all.  The evolution of all the flavors and styles has been amazing.  I am dating myself when I remember the only choices were straight and wavy cut potato chips.  Barbecue flavor was an amazing discovery back then.  Now entire isles in the grocery store […]

Health Articles

Power of Sleep

When you end up in a hospital, do you stop to wonder how much sleep your attending physician got last night?  Your life is in their hands and you would like them to have their wits about them.  I mean, if they were obviously drunk, would you let them make life and death decisions for […]

Health Articles


The illusion of our life is so fragile.  Life itself is tough and durable, but our picture of what our life is all about is all smoke and mirrors.  As each day goes by we get so wrapped up in the minutia of daily living that we actually believe that what we are having for […]

Health Articles

Additive medicine vs. subtractive medicine

Your body manages its health through two basic mechanisms – facilitation and inhibition.  Facilitation means the body makes more of something happen, while inhibition means it makes less of something happen.  Facilitation adds information and activity, while inhibition subtracts or decreases information and activity.  This reality is most clearly expressed in the brain.  These are […]

Health Articles

Vitamin S

Vitamin S – what is it?  Without it your chances of heart disease, cancer and dementia go through the roof.  It is vital for every man, woman, and child.  Every system in your body is desperate for it, but it is something your body can not chemically manufacture on its own.  Like all vitamins, it […]

Health Articles


Are you ever bloated?  I hear it all the time from patients – “I eat a meal and a little later I look like I am 6 months pregnant!”  Now I am not talking about feeling too full because you have just eaten your way through the Sunday Brunch Buffet.  You’d expect to feel overly […]

Health Articles

New Purpose

Well another New Year is upon us.  2014 has ended.  It has been a long year for many people.  But now it is time to contemplate what we want to create for the New Year.  The holidays are over and the quiet reality of 2015 is just now sinking in.  Do we look forward to […]

Health Articles

Weighing in on vaccines

“One of the fatal flaws of human consciousness is the desire to believe in an authority that knows right from wrong and good from bad.” – David What do you think of vaccines?  Are they good or are they bad?  I read articles proclaiming vaccines as the great evil destroying our children’s health, and others […]

Health Articles

The Perfect Diet, Part 1

What is the perfect diet to eat for health?  People have been arguing about this one forever.  It is a subject very much like religion with all the intensity of passion and conviction of belief.  And just like religion, the stories that create the beliefs are just that, stories.  Our parents or peers or other authority […]

Health Articles

Homemade Inflammation Fighter

If you have been a regular reader of my newsletters then you are probably aware that the underlying basis of most disease and bodily misery in our lives is too much inflammation.  Inflammation is the slow fire that burns our cells and destroys our health. We have to have the ability to become inflamed in […]