Health Articles


Last week I was scanning various Internet medical news feeds looking for good items to put in the newsletter when I came across a study of cancer recurrence in breast cancer survivors in relation to eating patterns.  Specifically the study was looking to see if the timing of one’s eating pattern had any effect on […]

Health Articles


Doughnuts joyfully embrace their role as one of the most toxic fresh foods on the planet.   Nobody in his or her right mind even pretends that eating a doughnut is good for you on any level.  Doughnuts are basically bleached white flour, sugar, and rancid oil – yum.  Why oh why do they taste […]

Health Articles

Food Swap

Food meets a lot of needs.  Our thinking brain tells us that we need food for nutrition – to give us energy and the building blocks to build and repair tissues.  While this is completely true, it has very little to do with why most people eat food.  If it did we would only eat […]

Health Articles


Last week I got sick.  This is something I rarely do, but it highlights that when we do not get enough rest and relaxation that is of a rejuvenating type, our immune system starts to fail.  Rejuvenation is not a priority in stroke patient care, but it needs to be, for the caretaker as much […]

Health Articles

True Hope and False Hope

Hope is one of those virtuous feelings that always seems to be promoted as a good thing… but is it?  The gambling addict living from paycheck to paycheck always hoping for his “big score” might be an example of a false hope that does not serve the person.  Another example is the infatuated fan living […]

Health Articles


Do we need supplements?  Can’t we get all the nutrition we need from our food?  Why should we take a bunch of pills every day? These are actually very good questions that deserve some very good answers.  Let’s start with the question of getting all we need from our food.  The simple answer is yes; […]

Health Articles


When was the last time you ate a bowl of Jell-O?  All that wiggly jiggly fun bouncing around on your plate has a lot more going for it than you know.  The main problem with Jell-O, specifically of course, is the massive amounts of sugar, artificial flavors and colors.  But the basic wiggly jiggly of […]

Health Articles

Pizza Crackers

Do you like to crunch?  I know for Ellen, it isn’t a full meal unless there is something crunchy with the meal.  I am not talking about celery.  Yes, it is crunchy and crunch lovers trying to be healthy try really hard to convince themselves that celery is meeting their crunch need.  But deep down […]

Health Articles

Valentine’s Contemplation

Normally I only do one philosophy article each month, but early this morning I awoke to thoughts about Valentine’s Day and the beliefs and perspectives we have about the whole love game.  It was too early to get up so I decided to access higher wisdom and ask some questions about this arena of life. […]

Health Articles

Comfort versus Ease

A few months ago the World Health Organization released its Gallup poll survey of 146,000 people across the world to assess which countries were the happiest.  The people were asked about their well being in five areas: their sense of purpose, social relationships, financial situations, community involvement and physical health.  Based on their responses they […]