Health Articles

Veggie Brain Cleaning

I just spent last weekend at a seminar on brain aging and brain development in the young.  These two subjects were put together because the undeveloped brain of an infant or young child has a lot of similarities to the degenerated brain function as one ages and goes into dementia.  We begin life as a […]

Health Articles

Lectins 2017

As I started researching rejuvenation techniques associated with fasting in preparation for the booklet I am writing outlining how to rejuvenate your body, I kept running across references to plant lectins as serious disruptors of our health.  The average person has heard about lectins from the books by Dr. Peter D’Adamo like “Eat Right for […]

Health Articles

High Fat Diet

I came across an interesting bit of information the other day about gorillas.  Sixty to seventy per cent of their diet is leaves they can’t digest themselves.  They depend on the actions of healthy gut bacteria, and because of this they live on a high fat diet.  Initially this sounds like nonsense – where did the […]

Health Articles

Omega 3s for Inflammation

One of the takeaways from the weekend I spent recently learning about the latest information for managing the hormone systems of the body is the importance of getting rid of the inflammation in our system.  Excess inflammation drives all sorts of disease states in the body, including imbalances in our hormone systems.   We have […]

Health Articles

Enhancing CBDs for Pain Relief

More and more of my patients are reporting excellent results using CBDs for pain relief.  Several have even reported being able to stop using their medical pain relief drugs, which is what I was hoping for.  Prescription pain relief drugs are the number one form of opiate drug abuse in America with over 2.1 million […]

Health Articles

Ketogenic Diet

Most of the health issues I write about really come down to the impact of inflammation on our various body tissues.  While inflammation is a vital function of the body to help us fight infection and heal from injury, too much inflammation or inflammation when it is not needed destroys our health and well being. […]

Health Articles

Move It

One of the delightful things we did while I was down visiting family in San Diego was to get up each morning and do a little Tai Chi/Yoga type movement.  Normally I run Ellen through a whole set of exercises each morning to help with her recovery, but I rarely have the time to do […]

Health Articles

Cooking up AGEs

While I was on vacation visiting my family in San Diego, I came across a fascinating article on increasing lifespan by restricting AGEs – Advanced Glycation End Products.  (Yes, its true, even on vacation I am doing research.)  Why should you care?  Because AGEs are what you get when you eat BBQ and bacon and […]

Health Articles


While I was visiting my family last weekend, I came across something I thought was impossible – a cure for bunions.  I have been looking at people’s feet for 35 years and when I would see the deformation of the joints that occurs with a bunion, I would have to throw up my hands in […]

Health Articles

Fear of connection/fear of separation

We are all trapped between these two fears.  Being alone and separate feels terrible.  Our most basic instinct as an infant is that being left alone equals death because we are completely dependent.  We reach out for connection with our cries when we are in need.  We form the belief that we are not ok […]