I spent all day last Saturday and Sunday parked in front of my computer taking in a Livestream seminar on autoimmunity. I had to log in at 8:45 and didn’t finish until 5:45 each evening. The first day was all about how ugly and depressing autoimmunity is. There is no cure. There is only management […]
Category: Health Articles
Dynamic Electro-neuro Stimulation
A couple of months ago I was introduced to the world of dynamic electro-neuro stimulation (DENS). This is a type of physiotherapy that has been in use in Russia since the 1980s. When it was first developed for use with the Russian space program, it was promoted as a new Star Trek healing device. It […]
Self Love
This topic has been coming home lately as an important foundation piece on which we build our lives. As I have had conversations with Ellen and several patients, I am discovering that self-love seems to be very vague in their minds. Everyone agrees that it is very important, but just what it is and what […]
We had a little Octoberfest party in the court in our neighborhood this past weekend. Everybody in the neighborhood brought a pot luck dish and we all sat around in a big circle chatting while the kids rode bikes and played basketball. Phil, my across the street neighbor, has one of those commercial snow cone […]
Loose Skin
One of the joys of aging is gradually losing the battle against gravity. The elastic tissues under the skin and the deeper collagen structural fibrous tissues become weaker as the ability of the body to make new replacement proteins decreases. Elastin, the rubber band-like tissue that allows the skin to snap back into shape after […]
As I review Heartflow coaching cases that Ellen has done on clients, I have been noticing a pattern of motivation driving behaviors and feelings clients want to change that are based on loneliness. This perspective of viewing feelings and behaviors is new for me. Most of the time I see the source of people’s unhappiness […]
A couple times last week the subject of using a cane came up with patients. There is a time and place for canes, but most of the time I see them being used inappropriately. So I thought I would share my thoughts on canes and similar walking assistance devices. The idea behind using a walking […]
Enlarged Prostate
I am sneaking up on my 66th birthday, and like many men my age I am dealing with an enlarged prostate. By age 85 almost 90% of men will have this issue. Depending upon just how large it gets, it can produce symptoms that vary from annoying to life threatening. What kind of symptoms are we […]
Discs, everybody has lots of them, but sometimes we wish we didn’t. Discs are an amazing adaptation that enables us to be mobile in so many ways that creatures, like insects, just can’t compete. If you don’t try to oppose gravity, discs simply act as lubrication between the vertebra allowing you to move in many […]
One of the challenges of living a Keto–Paleo lifestyle is finding anything resembling familiar foods. It would be ideal when engaging a major shift like this to be able to wipe your memory of all your past experiences in the area of change so you could start fresh. But that is not available to us […]