Leaky Gut, SIBO, & IBS Diet If it’s not on here then don’t eat it! Vegetables Bamboo shoots Bok choy / pak choi Broccoli < ½ c. Cabbage <1 c. Carrots Chives Cucumber Eggplant / aubergine Ginger Green beans/peas ¼ c. Green onions (green part) Lettuce / chard / arugula Olives Parsley Red peppers (red […]
Author: Dr. Dave DeLapp

Three weeks ago after finishing up my shower in the morning, I bent forward to squeegee the water off the walls. All of a sudden my back seized up. Now the odd thing was that being bent forward was not the problem. It was when I tried to straighten up that it grabbed me. […]
Eat like a Knight

One of the favorite methods diet researchers use is to look for populations of people that are healthier and live longer than normal folks. Suppose I told you about a particular tribe of men that live about 40 – 50% longer than average? Usually, researchers are thrilled with populations that do 10% better than […]
Toenail Fungus

One of the toughest conditions I have come across is toenail fungus. Patients I have had have been fighting this for years. Some of the drugs that doctors try to prescribe for this are truly scary; very dangerous. And even with these super powerful drugs, the fungus persists. A couple of years ago my […]
Rejuvenation or detoxification?

If you are reading this on Sunday, I will be finishing the third week of a detoxification fast. That sounds like it would be hard, but as I will show you in this newsletter, it is not difficult at all. But first, we have to understand the different kinds of fasting, what they are […]

Last weekend I went to a seminar titled Building a Better Brain. The seminar email said that it was about how to treat Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline. The lecturer was a kick-ass gal from Georgia who really knew her stuff. More importantly, she was in actual clinical practice dealing with real patients every day. This […]
Being Right

We are born into this world completely clueless and helpless. Most other species have at least the ability to move about and seek food from the moment of birth, while all we have is a basic rooting reflex that causes us to try suckling anything that touches our lips. Our initial survival is pretty […]
Red Light Therapy

If you have been into the office lately for a treatment, you may have noticed a big red light therapy panel on top of the bookcase shining red light down onto the tilting table you lay upon while I adjust you. What is this all about? The simple answer is that red light is […]
Forty Years

Woohoo! This week marks forty years that I have been in practice providing Chiropractic service to our community. It has been an amazing journey filled with so many great connections to so many people. I thought it would be fun to share a few pictures of the four offices I have had over those forty […]
Dynamic Balance

We are still in the first month of the new year, so challenging ourselves to improve our lives is still on the table. As the name of the article implies, I am going to challenge all of us to improve our dynamic balance. Our what? Losing weight, hitting the gym, and improving your diet […]