Health Articles

Brain Allergies

Do you ever have food cravings…urges for a particular food that makes you feel better even when you are full?  Have you experienced eating a favorite food only to end up hungrier than before you ate it?  Do you have any foods that you really can’t imagine going days or weeks without? If you answer […]

Health Articles

Modern Slavery?

What if I told you about a place I read about recently where a particular minority population is forced by law to work daily in labor camps without pay.  They bus them in each morning and bus them out at the end of the day.  They are forced to work crowded into small rooms with […]

Health Articles


Well I finally took the plunge.  I have been edging up to it for over a year now, but I actually did it last weekend.  I pulled out my trusty salad shooter and grabbed my freshly bought organic cabbage, daikon, bok choi, onion, broccoli, cucumbers, and carrots from the farmers market and went to work.  […]

Health Articles

San Diego Dreamin’

As most of you know, I took a 4-day play weekend to celebrate my birthday a couple weeks ago.  Ellen and I hopped on a plane to San Diego to take in their famous Balboa Park.  Most people know of the fabulous San Diego Zoo inside the park.  What most people don’t know it that […]

Health Articles

Do you need Antioxidants?

Antioxidants are all the buzz these days.  They help control inflammation (burning) in different tissues of your body.  It seems every day a new paper is published about some new antioxidant that benefits the body.  This all ties in nicely with the free-radical theory of aging, which basically says that it is oxidation that causes aging.  Anti-oxidants […]

Health Articles

Chiropractor in a bottle?

 A couple weeks ago my front desk person Susie was telling me about her old dog Charlie.  He has been having trouble getting up and moving about.  Susie wanted to know it there was anything I could do for him.  I know a good Chiropractic adjustment can do wonders for an animal, but in California […]

Health Articles

Health Action Plan

The most common complaint I hear from patients regarding their medical doctor is that no matter how many complaints they may have, if their lab tests are normal, the doctor does nothing.  We know that something is wrong when we feel bad.  That is the whole point to bad feelings – to tell us that something […]

Health Articles

The Hormone You Probably Need More Of

What hormone regulates your immune system and protects you from cancer, type I diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis?  This same hormone is critical to over 2000 pathways in your body.  And yet this hormone level is low in most Americans because of our lifestyle.  What hormone is this – Vitamin D.  We have always thought of Vitamin […]

Health Articles

Real Food

  I wanted to share with you a little field trip Ellen and I took recently to Soil Born Farms down in Rancho Cordova.  This was a “get acquainted” tour for local health providers set up by Soil Born to let us know about their program and resources.  Soil Born is an organic urban agriculture […]

Health Articles

Mind Body Connections – pt.2

Muscle Brain – pt.2        Most ill health begins as unconscious feeling conflicts, repression, and unresolved tensions.  Since they are unconscious you do not feel them.  They probably were conscious at one time, but when you encountered the conflict you did not have a resolution at that time so you shoved the feeling tension to […]