I was researching the impact of sugar on the body when I came across an article that blew me away. It was a study published in the Endocrine Society journal on the impact of sugar on male testosterone levels. Currently testosterone levels are typically tested in the morning when levels are the highest with a […]
Sugar Genes
50,000 years ago humans lived in a state of dietary insecurity. Agriculture had not been developed yet so food supply was determined by whatever was available with each season. For humans living in Europe and north Asia winter was a time of almost no food at all. To survive you had to live off of […]
Beauty Light
Soft, clear, beautiful skin is a joy to behold. It communicates the health and vitality of the person blessed with such skin. Indeed, the health of the skin is a reflection of the health of similar tissues throughout the body such as the gut lining and blood vessel lining. Like the gut lining, our skin […]
Ninety percent of adults in North America consume caffeine daily. It is the most widely used psychoactive substance in the world. Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant found in over 60 different South American and Asian plants, but we are most familiar with just three sources: coffee, tea, and to a small extent, chocolate. […]
Take Control of Your Universe
Does your life feel the way you want it to feel? Are you fulfilled and happy? Does your life feel meaningful to you? These kinds of questions address the underlying feelings that run our lives. Most of us identify with our ego mind. We think our thoughts define us and our lives are run by the […]
I have been fasting for two weeks now, doing what I am now calling the Full Belly Fast. It is a very different experience for me compared to my usual water fasting. It does not even feel like fasting because I am eating several times a day. I always have a full belly. Normally with […]
Fasting for Health
A couple weeks ago my brother Daniel suggested I watch a Youtube video by a Dr Jason Fung, a kidney specialist from Canada. He had been treating diabetic patients for 20 years for kidney disease caused by diabetes when it dawned on him that none of his patients ever got better. He actually asked himself […]
Salt Revisited
Two years ago I wrote a lengthy article on salt – its historical usage, its metabolism, and how much individual variability determines your salt need. Since that time I have become aware of more information about salt that has revealed to me that the saltshaker salt we add to our foods is not such a […]
The last newsletter on invalid care brought up awareness in myself that I am now acting on. I got several emails from patients in response to the newsletter sharing some of the wisdom they gained from their experiences. Here is an example from Lynn: Thank you for this. When I faced this situation with my […]
Invalid Care
One of the things I have been getting experience in lately is caring for an invalid. As some of you may have to do this at some time, I thought I would share some of the things I have found useful in this process. Others of you have already become seasoned pros in this area […]