Ellen and I start making Christmas presents in July. We figure out a theme and start gathering the elements needed to create our gifts for the upcoming holiday season. We need this much lead time because we usually end up making around 45 to 50 presents. I appreciate that this is insane, but we enjoy […]
Holiday Treats
As the days get shorter and winter approaches, the holiday season brings people together indoors, and that means holiday food. Summer is more for the outdoor feasting and playing environment so a barbecue is the go-to food style with potato salad, corn on the cob, and watermelon. But this time of year is more about […]
BochaSweet Powdered
Instant Pot
Feel it
As anyone who survived the psychological wave of the ’80s and ’90s knows, “To heal it you have to feel it.” I have found that this aphorism to be very true but generally misunderstood. Considering some of the “breakthrough techniques” introduced back in those days, the confusion is quite understandable. On the surface, the idea […]
Recovery Time
One of the thoughts every new patient has when they come for their first visit is “how long will it take to heal my injury so my pain will go away?” I know that is the first thing on my mind. This newsletter will try to answer that question. First things first – pain means […]
I took a neurology seminar via Zoom last week because it looked interesting and I could get 6 relicensing hour credits without having to go to some hotel in the Bay Area like I used to have to do. The class turned out to be even more interesting than I thought because most of the […]
Meditation is a powerful technique that we can use to benefit our health. However, there is a lot of well-meaning but misguided fluff attached to the whole subject. I thought it would be useful to separate the fluff from the substance with this subject to help you decide whether meditation is right or useful to […]
Scared to death
I read a fascinating article this morning about autonomic dysregulation as a consequence of wearing masks during this Covid 19 lockdown. What does that mean? Our autonomic nervous system controls 98% of everything that goes on in our body – just about everything except conscious movement and speech. It handles everything so we don’t have […]
Movin’ dem Bones
Have you ever wondered just what it is I really do? Yes, I am a Doctor of Chiropractic, but that doesn’t really say anything about what I actually am doing when you come in for a visit. You know from experience that your pain decreases and your function improves, and that is really the point. […]