
Strengthening your back

A surprisingly large number of the low back cases I see each week are because the patient’s back is simply not strong enough to support them during stressful activities.  Very small percentages are due to actual injuries like slips and falls or auto accidents.  About 30% are not even a back problem, but a gut […]

Health Articles

Jicama Prebiotic

  Jicama, sometimes referred to as Mexican turnip or yam bean, is a fascinating vegetable.  It is actually the root to a legume – like a green bean.  But don’t try to eat the beans on the Jicama as they are toxic.  In fact the whole plant is toxic except for the inside of the […]

Health Articles

Jekyll and Hyde Sugar

  Most people are not aware that sugar has two faces to it – one side that can actually be helpful to the body and another side that is destructive to the body.  When we look at sugar we see pretty white crystals of lovely sweetness.  But when you look at the chemical structure of […]

Health Articles


  Everyone I know loves noodles.  For me noodles encompass everything from spaghetti to ramen and egg noodles to vermicelli.  They are all great eaten cold and alone or with a nice homemade sauce or floating in a lovely soup.  The problem is the easiest thing to make noodles out of is wheat.  The gluten […]

Health Articles

Saying Yes

  Do you say yes to life, or is your life one of limitations, inhibitions, and restrictions?  This is not the simple question it appears to be.  It is a question about the functional neurology between your ears. These last couple months have been a personal education in neurology for me as I work with […]