Health Articles

Holiday Musings

Ellen and I spend a lot of time wondering about things that some people call psychological or spiritual. Like, I was making lunch today and I thought, “Wow, when we die and don’t have bodies anymore, we won’t have anything to worry about. It seems like it will be all about connecting.” Ellen said, “No […]

Health Articles

Self Esteem

  A month ago our spiritual support circle embarked upon an investigation of the practical application of love. For the last couple of years, we have focused on various spiritual principles that are designed to unblock our functional participation with life. Ultimately, this was supposed to result in a greater flow of love in our […]

Health Articles


  This subject is brought up by the upcoming Mother’s Day holiday. For most people, a relationship with their mother is the first significant relationship they develop. That seems obvious, but the significance is so much more than the simple and obvious. We need to feel significant. It is a core driver of everything in […]

Health Articles

Pretty Dream

  The sentiments of the holiday season prompt me to wax philosophic about the nature of life here on planet earth. Looking at what is said on Christmas cards and in holiday messages, it seems as though we have figured out a huge truth. The true purpose of life is to love. As corny as […]

Health Articles

Being Right

  We are born into this world completely clueless and helpless.  Most other species have at least the ability to move about and seek food from the moment of birth, while all we have is a basic rooting reflex that causes us to try suckling anything that touches our lips.  Our initial survival is pretty […]