Health Articles

Not Broken

  I am not like a normal doctor.  I do not work on broken people.  In fact, I go to a lot of extra effort testing and diagnosing what is going on with a new patient to determine if something is broken in some way.  Because if there is something broken, I refer them out […]

Health Articles


  If you walk up to a wall or door, what touches you first, your nose, your chest, or your belly?  We are talking about posture and balance today, with a focus on a concern many of you have mentioned to me.  The question usually comes out as, “Do I have a hunchback?”  The accurate […]

Health Articles

Head Forward

Back in the old days, a head forward posture was the sign of a serious nerd or other types of bookworm or the special province of people over 60.  Since the development of computers, and now even worse the cell phone, the head forward posture is a modern epidemic.  Whatever posture we assume a lot […]