Health Articles

Sitting Disease

Well, here we are over a month now stuck at home.  Our minds need to find adaptations to this situation to replace the self-care activities we used to do before Covid 19.  Most of you had some sort of regular activities you engaged in that kept you from sitting all day binge-watching shows on your computer or […]

Health Articles

Eye Health

I asked my sister yesterday for a newsletter subject matter idea.  She is the one who edits my newsletters as she actually knows where to put commas and other written communication etiquette.  It’s really nice she allows me to keep my voice even though it’s grammatically foolhardy. In any case,  she suggested eye health.  I […]

Health Articles


A couple times last week the subject of using a cane came up with patients.  There is a time and place for canes, but most of the time I see them being used inappropriately.  So I thought I would share my thoughts on canes and similar walking assistance devices. The idea behind using a walking […]

Health Articles

The Coke Can

I know this title sounds like this is a newsletter about the dangers of drinking sugar filled beverages, but it is not.  The Coke can is a demonstration of the importance of core strength in our body.  Picture a can of Coke that you have just finished.  Set the can on the ground and step on it. […]

Health Articles

Foot Pain

Several patients this last week have come in with foot troubles.  When several people come in with the same trouble, I figure it is time to do an article on this issue.  Specifically, these patient’s troubles were all from the same basic cause even though the manifest symptoms seemed different. In our modern world we […]

Health Articles

Balance coordination

An issue that has been coming up for a lot of patients lately is how to keep their adjustments in place.  They will come in to see me for some complaint, I put things back together, and they are fine for several days to a couple weeks.  Then for seemingly little reason their back, or […]

Health Articles

Getting Up

As you may have noticed, if you have been reading this newsletter for any length of time, I have an obsession with maintaining mental and physical functionality as I age.  Why am I obsessed?  I obsess because it is my story.  I work diligently to maintain my mental and physical functionality as I age.  I […]

Health Articles

Falling Down

I came across a quote by an exercise physiologist the other day that essentially said that old people don’t fall down because they have inner ear issues causing balance problems, old people fall down because the don’t have enough strength in their muscles.  This is a significant issue that I have not addressed in previous […]

Health Articles

Are You Enough?

This may seem like a challenging question because it is one of those feelings that we use a lot of energy to avoid encountering.  Yet it is usually hovering around in the background of our life.  It covertly runs a lot of the decisions we make in our life because of the desire to avoid […]

Health Articles

Additive medicine vs. subtractive medicine

Your body manages its health through two basic mechanisms – facilitation and inhibition.  Facilitation means the body makes more of something happen, while inhibition means it makes less of something happen.  Facilitation adds information and activity, while inhibition subtracts or decreases information and activity.  This reality is most clearly expressed in the brain.  These are […]