Health Articles

Self Love part 2

Self-love is the most significant factor in your life that determines your happiness and sense of fulfillment. Yet, we must be taught how to achieve this deeply needed relationship with self in this culture. Other cultures in other times have focused heavily on this inner relationship. However, American culture has been focused on outer accomplishment […]

Health Articles


Several times lately the resolution to a particular stress pattern within myself, and various others, has been to relax into a state of trust and belief that there is a larger plan at work. These stresses like to come up when we are confronted with things that are simply out of our control. That might […]

Health Articles

Dealing with Fear

  One of the challenges everyone has to face from time to time is dealing with fear. I have written many articles on the impact of stress on the body and our health. I don’t know if I have written about how to deal with the most common cause of stress, fear.  Many other causes […]

Health Articles

Self Love

This topic has been coming home lately as an important foundation piece on which we build our lives.  As I have had conversations with Ellen and several patients, I am discovering that self-love seems to be very vague in their minds.  Everyone agrees that it is very important, but just what it is and what […]

Health Articles


For the last several weeks my focus has been on motivation.  The reason is very simple, I can give a person the greatest information and guidance in the world, but if they are not motivated to follow that guidance then there was no point in even knowing that information.  At the end of the day the […]