Health Articles

Self Esteem

  A month ago our spiritual support circle embarked upon an investigation of the practical application of love. For the last couple of years, we have focused on various spiritual principles that are designed to unblock our functional participation with life. Ultimately, this was supposed to result in a greater flow of love in our […]

Health Articles

Prototype for Perfection

Deep within each of us is a blueprint for our ultimate perfect expression. It is the potential we have within us to become awesome.  This is not some vague wish-fulfillment fantasy fluff, but real hard-core potential unique to each of us.  It is built into our genes and epigenetic coding, and offers us the fulfillment of […]

Health Articles


For the last several weeks my focus has been on motivation.  The reason is very simple, I can give a person the greatest information and guidance in the world, but if they are not motivated to follow that guidance then there was no point in even knowing that information.  At the end of the day the […]