Health Articles


  Did you know that gallbladder removal surgery is one of the most common surgeries performed in the United States?  Every year hundreds of thousands of patients have their gallbladders removed.  What’s up with that?  Clearly, gallbladders are not designed to suddenly crap out and go bad, and yet our doctors believe this is happening.  […]

Health Articles

Feeling Body

  I spent last weekend at an educational seminar on autoimmune disease.  This was a bit different than previous seminars which focused on the endocrinology and neurology of autoimmune disorders.  This seminar took things to a whole different level and looked at why autoimmune disorders happen in the first place and what we can do […]

Health Articles

Descent into hell(th)

As I describe to patients the life changes they can make to improve their health, I frequently get the impression that I am Dante describing the journey down through the various levels of Hell.  Somehow or other the thought of having to change one’s behavior in order to get different results is not embraced by […]

Health Articles

Sleep 3

  How much do you know about sleep?  Considering that we as humans spend almost one-third of our lives sleeping, knowing what the heck we are doing while sleeping might be important.  Most of us are aware to some degree that some of the time while we sleep, we dream.  Some people dream about people […]

Health Articles

Bands 2

The last couple of years have been really hard on our bodies.  Those of us that had a regular gym life found that activity severely restricted.  Two years of being basically housebound, other than occasionally walking up and down the street in front of the house, have let the muscles we used to have to […]

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Exercise Bands