Health Articles

Eye Health

I asked my sister yesterday for a newsletter subject matter idea.  She is the one who edits my newsletters as she actually knows where to put commas and other written communication etiquette.  It’s really nice she allows me to keep my voice even though it’s grammatically foolhardy. In any case,  she suggested eye health.  I […]

Health Articles


One of the more common symptoms patients mention when they come in for a visit is dizziness or lightheadedness.  What is amazing is how many things can cause this seemingly simple little symptom.  What brought it to mind was a patient report that mentioned a specific type of lightheadedness that results in passing out called […]

Health Articles


The topic around the house this last week or so has been on suffering.  This has been a favorite topic intermittently over the last 25 years or so, but this time it was different.  This time, on her own, Ellen made the profound realization that all the suffering in her life has come from her […]