Health Articles


  Independence, freedom, liberty — these are the battle cries that founded this country two and a half centuries ago.  Such words stir the passions and fill the imagination with images of a perfect world in which we are able to be whatever we wish to be.  These words generate idealism to the point that […]

Health Articles

Invalid Care

One of the things I have been getting experience in lately is caring for an invalid.  As some of you may have to do this at some time, I thought I would share some of the things I have found useful in this process.  Others of you have already become seasoned pros in this area […]


Additive medicine vs. subtractive medicine

Your body manages its health through two basic mechanisms – facilitation and inhibition.  Facilitation means the body makes more of something happen, while inhibition means it makes less of something happen.  Facilitation adds information and activity, while inhibition subtracts or decreases information and activity.  This reality is most clearly expressed in the brain.  These are […]