Health Articles

More Memory

A patient called the office the other day asking if I had anything for memory.  I told Sherry to say yes, but the answer to that question is like saying yes I have something to improve health.  Memory support is a huge subject because so many different things affect memory.  There is no magic pill […]

Health Articles

Raise and Roll

I have been noticing a lot of patients experiencing tingling or numbness down one or both arms lately.  For even longer, significant numbers of folks are showing their neck sliding forward.  This pattern is important because it creates degeneration of the lower neck vertebra and lots of discomfort and loss of function over time. Although […]


Strengthening your back

A surprisingly large number of the low back cases I see each week are because the patient’s back is simply not strong enough to support them during stressful activities.  Very small percentages are due to actual injuries like slips and falls or auto accidents.  About 30% are not even a back problem, but a gut […]