Health Articles

Poisonous Cleanliness

As a people, we pride ourselves on our appearance.  We care for our looks and presentation at a level that in previous times was only available to nobility and the very wealthy.  In this day and age this is expected of us, and if we do not, we are excluded from the companionship of polite […]

Health Articles

Beauty Light

Soft, clear, beautiful skin is a joy to behold.  It communicates the health and vitality of the person blessed with such skin.  Indeed, the health of the skin is a reflection of the health of similar tissues throughout the body such as the gut lining and blood vessel lining. Like the gut lining, our skin […]

Health Articles

Hormone poisons in your bathroom

Did you know that the lining of your digestive tract and your skin are not only made of the same types of cells, but function in much the same way?  Epithelial cells (skin cells) serve to create a barrier to keep out bacteria while letting smaller chemicals into the system.  In the digestive tract the smaller […]