Health Articles

What is Detox?

People are starting to bandy about the detox word more and more these days, yet when I ask them what detox actually means they generally have no idea.  They know it means doing some sort of special diet and maybe something else like taking special cleansing herbs.  But that seems to be about the extent […]

Health Articles

Fiber 2

Everybody has heard that we need to eat more fiber.  When you ask them why we need more fiber, the almost universal answer is so we can poop regularly.  While this is true, this is only the tip of the iceberg.  Fiber is a huge subject and should be classed as a food group all […]

Health Articles

That’s not the problem

My first intention approaching this article was to go into whether gluten is as bad as the present science is showing it to be.  But as I started thinking about the subject, it became obvious that all kinds of things get put into the villain category by our science that we the public blindly accept […]

Health Articles

What’s Eating You?

Since this article is coming out Thanksgiving weekend – a weekend commonly spent eating more than usual – a food article seemed appropriate.  But lets turn this story around.  Let’s consider what is eating us, rather than simply what we are eating. By now we have all heard about how there are ten times as […]

Health Articles

Lifestyle Pain: part 2

Last week I wrote about how so much of the pain I see in patients is not the result of anything they have done to injure themselves, but rather the consequence of little lifestyle choices that gradually start creating negative consequences like pain.  We focused on the lower half of the body last time, looking […]

Health Articles

Weight Loss 2016

The New Year is upon us.  2015 was a year full of new research and information in the field of nutrition and weight loss, all of which can benefit those of us who may possibly have put on a few pounds over the holidays.  Since today is probably the start of many New Year’s resolutions […]

Health Articles


I have been fasting for two weeks now, doing what I am now calling the Full Belly Fast.  It is a very different experience for me compared to my usual water fasting.  It does not even feel like fasting because I am eating several times a day.  I always have a full belly.  Normally with […]

Health Articles

Jicama Prebiotic

  Jicama, sometimes referred to as Mexican turnip or yam bean, is a fascinating vegetable.  It is actually the root to a legume – like a green bean.  But don’t try to eat the beans on the Jicama as they are toxic.  In fact the whole plant is toxic except for the inside of the […]