Health Articles


As we prepare to celebrate the birth of a noble vision for a country of free men, I pause to consider just what free means.  At the time of the birth of our country, the driving need was for freedom from the tyranny of the overbearing English troops stationed in America.  The deep needs of […]

Health Articles

Comfort versus Ease

A few months ago the World Health Organization released its Gallup poll survey of 146,000 people across the world to assess which countries were the happiest.  The people were asked about their well being in five areas: their sense of purpose, social relationships, financial situations, community involvement and physical health.  Based on their responses they […]

Health Articles

Joyful Purpose

What do you want from life? We all have certain basic survival needs – air, water, food, shelter, and safety.  Most of us have these basics met.  If you don’t then the focus of your life will pretty much be on securing these needs or else you won’t survive.  But aside from these needs most […]

Health Articles

Take Control of Your Universe

Does your life feel the way you want it to feel?  Are you fulfilled and happy?  Does your life feel meaningful to you?  These kinds of questions address the underlying feelings that run our lives. Most of us identify with our ego mind.  We think our thoughts define us and our lives are run by the […]

Health Articles

A New Beginning

 Most likely as you read this, I am somewhere in Japan adhering to a rigorous  tour schedule set up by my son to make sure I see everything he wants me to see (and to try the list of 35 foods he wants me to be sure to taste.)  I may need to express a […]

Health Articles

A terrible revelation

I have been a Chiropractor for 28 years and I have missed the big picture most of that time.  I had it for a couple years back in 1990 and 91 but lost it somehow.  I have been living and working under the false perspective that correcting problems will produce health.  Never mind that my […]