Health Articles

Tool for Change

  Life is constantly challenging us. The more connected we become in the world the more we are confronted with a world full of stuff we don’t like. The world simply does not conduct its business in ways that make sense to us. We might nod and say we understand that selfishness, greed, and corruption […]

Health Articles

Family Connection (and way too much to eat)

 It is Christmas day about 5:30 in the evening.  The table is cleared and the food put away and the last of our guests have wandered off for home.  It was a good Christmas – lots of connection with loved ones.  We were smart this year in that we had most of the Christmas dinner […]

Health Articles

Fear of connection/fear of separation

We are all trapped between these two fears.  Being alone and separate feels terrible.  Our most basic instinct as an infant is that being left alone equals death because we are completely dependent.  We reach out for connection with our cries when we are in need.  We form the belief that we are not ok […]

Health Articles


The last newsletter on invalid care brought up awareness in myself that I am now acting on.  I got several emails from patients in response to the newsletter sharing some of the wisdom they gained from their experiences.  Here is an example from Lynn: Thank you for this.  When I faced this situation with my […]

Health Articles

Is Pain Good?

I hate pain.  I hate pain so much I make my livelihood out of relieving pain.  I know that not everyone hates pain.  Dancers and professional athletes embrace pain as part of their profession.  Boxers obviously must love pain to choose a career centered on getting beat up.  Then there are those weight lifters that tell […]