Health Articles

Joint Instability – Conflicting Desires?

How many of you have had the experience of your low back, or neck, or maybe a knee or foot suddenly act up and hurt for no seeming reason at all?  That seems to be the most common cause of joint pain and suffering I see in the office – nothing at all.  So what […]

Health Articles

Alignment with Natural Law

Happy New Year! 2010 is upon us.  A new chance to start fresh with our lives.  I hope your holidays were excellent; mine were.  I still have one party left to attend.  In another week my family is gathering to celebrate my mother’s 80th birthday – Congratulations mom.  Where do the years go? Most likely […]

Health Articles

Chiropractor in a bottle?

 A couple weeks ago my front desk person Susie was telling me about her old dog Charlie.  He has been having trouble getting up and moving about.  Susie wanted to know it there was anything I could do for him.  I know a good Chiropractic adjustment can do wonders for an animal, but in California […]

Health Articles

Health Action Plan

The most common complaint I hear from patients regarding their medical doctor is that no matter how many complaints they may have, if their lab tests are normal, the doctor does nothing.  We know that something is wrong when we feel bad.  That is the whole point to bad feelings – to tell us that something […]

Health Articles

The First Step

 Is it spring yet?  My daffodils think it is spring.  They started blooming in the middle of the month.  I guess it is as hard for them to know when to move into action as it is for us.  They demonstrate trust and exuberance for life.  This doesn’t always work out, but more often then […]

Health Articles

Healing – where to start?

 The new year is upon us and with it is the desire to get the year started off on the right foot.  For a couple weeks now patients have been asking me “should I do a colon cleanse?”, “how can I detox my body?”, “what is the best diet for losing weight for the new […]

Health Articles

You Are Perfect

You Are Perfect. One of my patients asked for an upbeat article for Christmas.  I figured what could be more upbeat than to communicate just how perfect each and every one of you are.  Many of you have heard me say this in the past, but rarely do I have the chance to explain how […]