Health Articles

Super Slow

Hi , One of the essentials to health that I rarely talk about is muscle strength.  I have written a lot about its first cousin – balance, but not so much about simple muscle strength.  I have even written about its other cousin – flexibility.  But we really need all three to live the life […]

Health Articles

Paleo Diet

Hi , This last weekend I read the book “The Paleo Solution” by Robb Wolf.  I have been a fan of the concepts of eating the way our ancestors did before we developed agriculture, but somehow I had never gotten around to reading this basic primer in eating the Paleo way.  I want to tell […]

Health Articles


 Hi , Over and over I hear a common complaint from patients regarding entitlement behaviors by their kids, relatives, or people in general.  Politically this is becoming a hot topic that is seriously dividing the nation as the producers and the consumers in society build increasing resentments with each other.  Historically this divide has toppled […]

Health Articles

Faulty Medical Beliefs

Hi , As consumers we look to medical “experts” to advise us as to how to stay healthy.  Unfortunately becoming an expert is not based on wisdom or knowledge, but on promoting a strong opinion and getting others to believe you.  Strong opinions do not come from truth or wisdom, but from ignorance.  Opinions are […]