Health Articles

Rejuvenation or detoxification?

  If you are reading this on Sunday, I will be finishing the third week of a detoxification fast.  That sounds like it would be hard, but as I will show you in this newsletter, it is not difficult at all.  But first, we have to understand the different kinds of fasting, what they are […]

Health Articles recipes

Cold Crunch

I love chips.  I love the crunchy, salty, wonderfulness of it all.  The evolution of all the flavors and styles has been amazing.  I am dating myself when I remember the only choices were straight and wavy cut potato chips.  Barbecue flavor was an amazing discovery back then.  Now entire isles in the grocery store […]

Health Articles

Cold Crunch

I love chips.  I love the crunchy, salty, wonderfulness of it all.  The evolution of all the flavors and styles has been amazing.  I am dating myself when I remember the only choices were straight and wavy cut potato chips.  Barbecue flavor was an amazing discovery back then.  Now entire isles in the grocery store […]