Health Articles

Vegetarian vs Carnivore

The recent malnutrition death of Vegan Tik Tok and Instagram influencer Zahanna Samsonova was a shock to her millions of devoted followers. She was preaching the power and joys of eating a raw food vegan diet. Convinced that this was the healthiest and most natural way to eat, she was sure that it would make […]

Health Articles


  What is wisdom?  When I look it up in the dictionary I get a woefully inadequate definition:  Having the quality of being wise.  Now that is completely useless!  Let’s try the next line:  Knowledge of what is true and right coupled with just judgment as to action.  Again useless as truth, righteousness, and justice are entirely culturally […]

Health Articles

Fighting Aging

  One of my patients, Debbie, asked if I would do a newsletter on how to fight aging.  Her thought was 10 Tips for Fighting Aging.  That sounded like a great idea, so I started tackling the subject.  I quickly noticed, as I started writing down ideas, that this is actually a very complex subject.  There […]