Health Articles


I have found that digestive issues and back pain are the most common reasons patients seek medical care. However, what most people and doctors don’t know is that each of these can and do create the other. For example, a patient’s reflux can cause a sharp stabbing pain in their mid back, and another patient’s […]

Health Articles


This is not a topic most people want to think about – until you have to.  So why am I thinking about it?  One of Ellen’s clients was visiting Europe when she was struck with this common traveler’s condition.  She texted Ellen and asked what to do.  She was planning to fast for a day […]

Health Articles

Saturated Fats

Well the science is finally pouring in and the myth that saturated fat and cholesterol causes heart disease is broken.  The Seven Countries’ study started by Ancel Keys way back in 1958 to promote his belief that saturated fat and dietary cholesterol caused heart disease has been disproven as simply bad science created by cherry picking […]