Health Articles


DMSO is an amazing solvent with powerful anti-inflam actions. It can also carry other molecules through the skin down to deeper tissues, including medications. A little over a year ago, I wrote another article about my experiences using DMSO to combat joint pain. This property stimulated me to create a couple of products for the office, one for killing toenail fungus and another for carrying inflammation- fighting essential oils deep into inflamed joints and muscles. Since then, I have learned a lot more about a vast trove of research into uses for DMSO that the FDA has systematically suppressed. I discussed the money ties behind such suppression in the last newsletter.

So just what is DMSO and where does it come from? This miracle liquid is called Dimethyl sulfoxide, or DMSO for short. It is a byproduct of wood pulp production from trees. In the extraction process of turpentine from wood pulp, the substance DMS is also produced, which is then turned into DMSO. Typically, a sulfur smell comes from bits of unconverted DMS in the mix of the DMSO. Chemically, pure DMSO has no odor. Back in my UC Davis days, we did not have access to chemically pure DMSO, but I can buy 99.995% pure pharmaceutical-grade DMSO now. This makes using it both safer and more comfortable. It is considered to be a non-toxic solvent; about half as dangerous as drinking alcohol. Currently, it has been approved for treating bladder pain and inflammation by the FDA. However, its other uses are extensive.

Ellen has been experimenting with applying DMSO directly to her skin. She has found that it improves the quality of her facial skin and removes tiny spider veins. It burns for about 10 minutes, but then the skin settles down. She also found it clears her sinuses, soaking right through her cheekbones and into the sinus tissue.

Much of the new information I have become aware of is due to the efforts of a Midwestern Doctor who has a Substack feed titled The Forgotten Side of Medicine.  The benefits of DMSO are wide-ranging – some from the direct effect of DMSO and others from its ability to act as a penetrating solvent and bring other medications deep into the body where they otherwise could not reach. Here is a partial list of its benefits:


Antibiotic – fights bacteria




Analgesic – Pain reducer

Autoimmune fighting

Wound/injury healing

Stroke/spinal cord treating

Protects against microbial toxins

Vascular conditions – veins

Skin conditions

Internal organ conditions

Dental conditions

Arthritis/Joint issues

Sinus issues

And more…

For each condition that DMSO has been found to be effective, there are specific treatment protocols. This is not a magic wand that you just wave over any conditions or splash on wherever. There is a right way to use DMSO for each purpose. If you are looking for how to use it for something specific, I would refer you to his article: This article not only shows you how to use DMSO properly but reviews some of the large amount of research that was done on DMSO before the FDA denied approving its use for anything other than irritated bladders. A level of research is required for a new drug application for every possible use for DMSO before giving it the green light. But as I discussed previously, that level of evidence requires a minimum of 10 million dollars of research for each use, and no one is willing to put up that kind of cash for a non-patenable natural substance. The lack of expensive research does not mean that it does not work extremely well. That is why we can obtain it legally. It just means the FDA has not approved it for any other use.

I have been experimenting with DMSO by trying it out on issues as they occur. My basic attitude is “Gee, I wonder if DMSO would help?” I apply it topically after looking up how to use it for each condition based on older research. I have not been bold enough to try it on an eye condition yet, but it has been used properly diluted for certain conditions. Likewise, I have not tried taking it internally even though it has a track record or clearing out ulcers. I want a little more experience under my belt before going there.

So far, I’ve found that applying DMSO directly to the skin in its pure form creates a mild burning sensation and turns my skin red. (Some literature recommends using a 50% to 70% diluted form of DMSO for direct skin application. When diluting DMSO be sure to use distilled or purified water as the DMSO could react to stuff in your tap water.) That says it is opening up the circulation in the skin. Ellen reports that the network of tiny spider veins that used to be in her cheeks has shrunk away. That sounds similar to the reported benefits of using DMSO for varicose veins and hemorrhoids. It seems to tighten those veins back up. We don’t know if this change is permanent or needs regular applications. I just wanted to let you know that we shall see.

DMSO is a solvent with powerful anti-inflammatory actions. It can also carry other molecules through the skin down to deeper tissues, including medications. DMSO is used in many different ways. The simplest is topical application. Rubbing it on a sore area or area of concern is straightforward and easy to do. Often oral use of a diluted form of DMSO is indicated for best results. Injections of small concentrations of DMSO either by itself or combined with other medications is the route of administration required for the particular condition. Obviously, this last method is reserved for doctors who know what they are doing. Unfortunately, finding a doctor willing to perform any procedure not approved by the FDA is almost impossible. I’ve been trying to find specific protocols for using DMSO on Substack, but I haven’t been successful. I’m not giving up, though, and will continue experimenting. For example, many case studies have shown that applying DMSO topically to arthritic joints several times a day for several weeks can lead to temporary improvement. However, long-term benefits may require daily treatment for up to six weeks.

For those of you who want to do your own experimentation, I am selling 4-ounce bottles of 99.995% pure DMSO for $12 each. I also have my Penetrating Pain Relief, which contains DMSO plus frankincense, ginger, arnica, and chamomile essential oils. The DMSO carries the essential oils deeper into the applied area for a more powerful effect. If I discover other special compounds that mix with DMSO in the future for various special impacts, I will likely create new products with them.

Take care,



For the last couple weeks Ellen and I have been putting energy and effort into making our house more attractive inside. Basically that means throwing some  stuff away, putting other stuff into storage, and giving some away. But Ellen wanted to make our dining room table simply prettier. Usually we have an assortment of vitamin bottles on the table. But with a little searching on Ebay, Ellen found some old glass herb bottles to put those precious pills into.