Health Articles

Black & White Thinking



Tai Chi better than aerobics for BPAfter a whole year of 60 min. 4 times a week of either Tai Chi or aerobic exercise Researchers found that blood pressure both sitting and while walking reduced more significantly in the Tai Chi group than the aerobics group. The hypothesis is that the Tai Chi reduced the excitement nerves in the body better than aerobic exercise.



If one sticks too rigidly to one’s principles, one would hardly see anybody.

~  Agatha Christie

How effective is Semaglutide afterwardsSemaglutide aka Wegovy weight loss drug is hot right now, and is effective. But the question is does the weight stay off? Now that a couple years has gone by we find that once quitting the weekly injections, 2/3rds of the weight comes back on within a year on average. To keep weight off exercise and diet changes have to become the new lifestyle.


“The popular idea that a child forgets easily is not an accurate one. Many people go right through life in the grip of an idea which has been impressed on them in very tender years.”

~  Agatha Christie

Health cost of junk foodA meta analysis of all studies on diet over the last three years not funded by junk food companies looked at around 10 million people to see what adverse health outcomes resulted. Results – around a 50% increase in cardiovascular related death, similar for increased anxiety/mental health issues, 21% increase in death from any cause, and a 12% increase in diabetes. Increases in 32 different adverse health outcomes were discovered.



“Most successes are unhappy. That’s why they are successes – they have to reassure themselves about themselves by achieving something that the world will notice.”
 Agatha Christie