It appears this Covid 19 virus is not going away anytime soon. Current mitigation procedures are slowing things down, but there is no mention of being able to stop the virus outright. The big hope on the horizon is for an immunization to be developed according to the government types, but that is about a year and a half away. This whole staying indoors protocol is interesting, but not sustainable. Our economy will collapse if we keep this up. The trillion-dollar stimulus package is only good for a couple of months. From my own experience with the Paycheck Protection Program, it basically is not going to help the small businessman. The banks simply are not interested in processing the millions of applications from really small businesses. It is much simpler for them to process one application from a business with 500 employees than it is to process 100 applications for businesses with only 5 employees. They say they will get back to me later if there is any money left over.
Anyway, the point is, even with the failing attempts to prop up the system in the short run, they are not going to be able to keep holding the system together this way. My response to this is to step up to the plate and take matters into my own hands as much

as possible. I am a do-it-yourself kind of guy anyway for a variety of reasons. I find being pro-active to be a vital skill set even in the best of times. So how can we proactively tackle this Covid 19 thing? I see three areas of action for dealing with the virus’s presence. We can prevent ourselves from getting the virus in the first place; we can knock it out when we first get it, and we can attenuate the impact of the virus if we do get it fully. Let’s look at these in order.
Avoid getting it: the numbers are in from worldwide statistics – face masks do reduce your chances of getting infected somewhat. The “gold standard” for medical personal seems to be the N95 mask. They

filter out about 95% of stuff coming in, not perfect but pretty good. The homemade masks you are seeing people starting to wear are only 50 to 60% effective. A far more effective mask is one made from HEPA filter material, which is 99.97% effective. An example would be a mask made from a HEPA vacuum cleaner bag. Here is a tutorial on how to do this. It gives you a duckbill-shape which provides more surface area since that strength filtration will resist airflow more requiring more surface area to be able to breathe easily. I had to find HEPA vacuum cleaner bags on eBay.
Important point: what do you do to clean the mask at the end of the day? The simplest way to sterilize the mask is to bake it in your oven at 160 degrees for 30 minutes. That will destroy all the viruses. If you have your own sauna, you can do this for your sinuses, since this coronavirus starts out in the sinuses for the first three days. Masks may become the new normal for the next couple of years.
The next step: strengthening our immune system so that when we are exposed we are unlikely to pick it up. Despite the alarm, this is not a super potent infection. There are bugs that getting just one bacteria or virus into your system is enough to take

you out. Covid 19 is not like that. If you live in the same house as someone with Covid 19, you still only have a 17% chance of contracting the virus. So most of the time you get exposed and nothing happens because your immune system takes care of it. Right now, more than ever, we need to stop doing things that destroy our natural immunity – like eating sugar, simple carbs, fried foods, drinking alcohol, plus not getting enough sleep or sunshine. We support our immune system with specific nutrients like those in the Immune Booster I wrote about previously – vitamins A & D, zinc, and herbal compounds.
Okay, how about if you start to feel a scratchy throat or sinus irritation with a fever or you lose your sense of smell or taste? These are the first signs of a Covid 19 infection. Assuming you don’t have a sauna to sit in, you want a way to stop the virus at the sinus/throat level before it spreads to the rest of the body. Unfortunately, the old school steam inhalation does not get hot enough to do any good, and it ends up with a lot of folks in the emergency room with burned

faces. But we can use a nebulizer with hydrogen peroxide in it. Colloidal silver may also work, but the hydrogen peroxide is quicker. Here is a link to my products page that has a nebulizer Amazon link on it. I would also double up on my immune support products for a time. Most people who get this virus barely know they have it. In fact, the majority of cases are completely asymptomatic. That is probably why this virus is spreading so easily.
Let’s look at the worst-case scenario – getting the full-blown coronavirus systemically. First of all, understand that this virus does not kill you. What is killing people is an overreaction of their immune system producing what is called an Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). Protocols are in place in some other countries that are reducing the death rate by 90%. There are only a few hospitals in this country that are using these protocols. This is

because the core of the treatment is IV high vitamin C infusions with thiamine and cortisone. They also add zinc and melatonin orally. Why is everyone not using this? One article I read quoted a doctor who said that the problem is American doctors don’t believe vitamins do anything – only pharmaceutical drugs do anything. Well, what is working is a vitamin protocol, not a drug protocol.
Since none of the hospitals in California are using this protocol, what can we do? The answer is we can make liposomal vitamin C, which will produce the same blood levels of C needed to do the job. Why not chewable vitamin C? Regular vitamin C will simply be flushed out of your bowels before you get a high enough concentration in your bloodstream. You won’t be able to find any liposomal vitamin C in the stores or online. I talked to Amber, at Elliott’s Health Food, and she said they sold out of their liposomal C the first week of the crisis and have not been able to get any more in from suppliers. Making your own is easy, but does require one piece of unusual

equipment – an ultrasonic cleaner. These are usually used for cleaning jewelry or dentures. Here is my product page link for this. Beyond that, you need powdered vitamin C and granular lecithin (which Amber says they do still have in stock). There is a simple process that you can watch on this link. And there is a more complex process that produces a somewhat more powerful version here. The IV blood infusions were only 1500mg every 6 hours, so this is easy to achieve with liposomal vitamin C. Thiamine can be taken by mouth, as can zinc and melatonin. Steroids are what you find in your typical asthma inhalers, though you could probably get your doctor to prescribe those as they are pharmaceuticals. They are not needed until you get to the stage of needing a ventilator. The FDA approved drugs hydroxychloroquine and Zithromax also helps tremendously and should be available from your doctor if the virus starts interfering with your breathing. This should improve your chances of survival by 1000% based on the results they are getting in other countries.
For me, the big picture is that there is a lot we can do to take care of our own health. The news media paints a picture that we are helpless children that must cower in our houses and be afraid. Being afraid

is not my style. I prefer to adapt to what is and find ways to get my needs met through creativity and learning. I have always maintained that our biggest enemy is our addiction to comfort. We allow ourselves to become victims because being proactive requires effort and the willingness to embrace discomfort, particularly the discomfort of the unknown. This virus is a big bag of unknown. Everyone has opinions, but in truth, no one knows much of anything. Everything is a guess at this point. We don’t like to hear that. For me that says it is time to try different things. That is how we learn. There are no tried and true safe strategies with this virus. There is really nothing but guesses. They don’t even know if this virus is transmitted by air, so the whole face mask or not thing is a guess.
What do you do with so much unknown? You have

faith, be bold, be brave, trust your intuition and inner guidance, and try stuff out. See what works and share what you learn. This is one of those survival situations where sharing is critical to us all. Be well.
Take care,